Well its that dreaded time of year again....back to school season, and since my school is overly generous with winter and spring break we have to start school earlier. While this may sound fine it means me (e)QWERTY will not be able to make as many blog posts, tweets, or FB status updates....and sadly my stock will go down :( TRULY SADDENING.....BUT there is a way to make money off of this rise-and-fall trend.
My advice would be to buy (e)QWERTY on a thursday night or Friday morning, ride the gains caused by the weekend, and sell-out on monday or tuesday...then repeat. Another bit of advice would be to buy BEFORE this weekend because with all the plans i have it's sure to be epic!!
I will try to put up at least one blog post a day, and as always i will be active on Twitter (Just after 2pm PST) and Facebook.
brettsir (e)QWERTY
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